Is there a way to revoke moderators in bulk? When I try to remove them from the moderators group it doesn’t work, so I need to go to each user via admin and revoke.
Hi Toni,
I did some searching and found this:
However, in the /admin/users/list/active
there currently isn’t a way to do this. There is a feature request linked below that seems relevant.
I’d also like something similar too and since there is already a bulk select option albeit just for deleting users hopefully it can be expanded on in the future.
Yeah unfortunately this won’t work since the moderators group (like other staff groups) is automatic. It updates the group automatically when you add/remove moderator privileges, but doesn’t work the other way around.
Yeah only way I can think about doing this in bulk would be via the api
Just go to Admin Settings and find the endpoint to revoke moderation and a python script can be your friend. In case you need the script please let me know I’m not on my pc rn or would have attached the same.