Rocket.Chat SSO + embed plugin

I think, yes! Thank you.

Have a problem with ā€¦

This is my chat window. :ok_man:

That looks like a configuration problem within Rocket.Chat which is out of the scope of this plugin topic. Do you have Allow user creation : enabled as specified in the first post?

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This switch must be activated as I understand it?
Otherwise the settings wonā€™t work?

Now all is correct?

You are right, the CAS SSO must be separately enabled indeed. I have added it to the start post. Sorry for the confusion.

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How can you change the style of this title bar? Thank you.

You can style the title bar by targeting CSS .rocketchat-header in a theme component.


This looks fantastic. I had hacked together a flask server SSO middle man and tried to integrate things as best I could into the UI, but this is much nicer! Iā€™ll be implementing this as soon as I get a few minutes.


I completely missed this since you edited the post. It does work now, thank you! The only issue Iā€™m having now is with avatars not displaying. Iā€™m using S3 and a CDN, should it work with this setup?

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It should, but I wouldnā€™t be surprised if there was an issue with this.
If you PM me with the details of the site I will be happy to take a look.

After I set up, the chat box button is not displayed on the page

What button?
We need more information, like the URL of your forum and what you did to set everything up.

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Nice plug-in. Thank you. I noticed a problem on Android with the rocketchat app. I tried to login but I was redirected to our discourse page. So I Couldnā€™t use the chat app.

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I donā€™t have an Android phone so Iā€™m unable to test that.
Unless someone can repro this and get more details Iā€™m unable to help or fix this.

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At the moment Iā€™m not sure what exactly the problem is. It seems that it has todo with your intended redirection behaviour. Even when I start a private browser window on linux I canā€™t use rocketchat stanalone. Iā€™m always redirected to discourse and have to use the plugin. I think it would be great to have the choice of using rocketchat directly or to use the plugin.

That is probably caused by the setting Show Default Login Form: disabled on RocketChat side.
But beware of enabling it! When users come from both Discourse and are also able to register directly, it will lead to all kinds of issues.

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@RGJ Thank you very much for this incredible plugin Richard!
Recently I updated rocket chat to the last version and now the send icon in the embedded chat appears misplaced (see attached picture)
It was in the right place before upgrading.
Would you by change suggest a way to fix that? Maybe some css?
Thank you once again!

( I did open a github issue about that here )

@RGJ also (sorry for the multiple questions today), were you by chance able to find out a way to set the embedded chat to open on the rocketchat home page and not on the default channel?
I previously reported that some months ago and opened an issue here, maybe you have a suggestion about how to implement it.
Thank you so much again

I will be able to take a look at that later this week. However, it seems to me that Rocket.Chat is responsible for itā€™s own layout and styling (and not the plugin), so it might be good to file this as an issue with Rocket.Chat as well.

Thank you for your reply.
I thought the same but I couldnĀ“t reproduce the same problem on the desktop browser with a mobile user agent; Iā€™ve just tried to connect through my mobile and indeed the problem is rocket chat related and not your plugin! Thank you for pointing it out!

Would you by chance be able to investigate if it would be possible to start the embedded chat of your plugin on the home page?
Thank you once again for your great work!