Rollback settings-changes right from Admin -> Logs page

Having all settings-changes added to the log is incredibly useful.

How about a button to roll-back certain changes to the old value to make rolling back even easier?

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What’s the use case for this?

One of the other admins on my Discourse-instance changed the banner instead of the logo and he wanted to rollback the change. All I had to do was to look in the Logs, copy the old value and change the settings. Being able to directly roll back a setting would improve this workflow which seems like a common use-case.

We have the “Reset Default” option that people seem to like, but I’m not sure how often people would need to reset settings to previous values. Personally I haven’t done it much.

Perhaps a place to start would be to allow saving a snapshot of the site settings to restore to (this was also discussed over here):