Rss feed to topics or posts in Discourse based forums

I am new to discourse and i was searching for the feature where Rss feed from various sources will be converted to topics or posts in Discourse based forums community that I want to start.
Can anyone tell me where can i find it ?


Look at this


So that means there is nothing inbuild or even a plugin in discourse for rss feeds ?

It means nothing exists, but one is being written now as a plugin.

Oh, will it be shared with the discourse users ?

That’s a good question, and you should ask it in that topic. I would guess so, but I don’t really know for sure.

I think so. Ask on that topic

I have asked them.

Auto generate topics within defined category? Are you asking for something similar to what nodebb has? If so, can’t wait to see this for discourse.


Any update on this? I simply want a RSS feed in XML or JSON of the latest posts

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