S3 region us-east-2 (Ohio)

Hello all. I’m running the latest version of Discourse but s3 region us-east-2 (Ohio) isn’t listed. Can someone assist?

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Just added us-east-2 S3 region



Thanks. I assume I have to wait for it to get pushed through all the normal channels before I’ll see it? I’m in no rush at all, just curious of the process. I’m not really great with git.

Assuming you’re running a default install, simply visit /admin/upgrade and update Discourse from there. Once the update completes, you will see us-east-2 in site settings.

The short explanation for git is as follows:

  1. One of the dev pushes code to git on the master branch.
  2. Travis (continuous integration software) runs the new code against all the existing software tests.
  3. Once all the tests passed, the code is pushed to the tests-passed branch.

Your install (again, assuming default settings) tracks the tests-passed branch, so as soon as the code is on tests-passed you can manually run and update and take advantage of the changes.


Perfect. Now to configure CloudFront. Thanks again.

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