On my site (let’s say foo.com), I have a “Discourse CDN” set up (cdn.foo.com) to serve JS/CSS. Uploads to S3 are also enabled, and the S3 CDN is storage.foo.com. My raw S3 bucket is foo.s3.amazonaws.com.
On the user profile image, the S3 cdn gets appended to the Discourse CDN: //cdn.foo.com//storage.foo.com/xxxxx.jpg
The user card image, on my site appends raw S3 bucket to the Discourse CDN: //cdn.foo.com//foo.s3.amazonaws.com/xxxxx.jpg
I’ve tried rebakes etc., is there anything else I need to do, or is this a bug?
However we need to change our storage schema for S3 optimized images (and all optimised images) to allow us to send avatar templates down to the client to avoid the redirection.
I now have the issue that when I try to upload a custom avatar, it tries to load it from: //foo.s3-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/original/4/f/xxx.jpeg when it used to be foo.s3.amazonaws.com. My S3 region is us-east-1 in the Discourse admin (I assume it used to try load it from “US Standard”)