Searching for content effectively

Since some filters are missing, like in:pinned or in:bookmarks and those which have an alias aren’t explained, I tried to add the missing information. Then the table became quite complex, which is why I tried to separate it into smaller tables. This is something the bot also did here. I’m not sure the explanations are all correct. The descriptions in the topic and the ones in @sam’s conversation with the bot differ. For some, I even asked the bot again and got another result (these are the highlighted ones). Perhaps someone can help to correct the descriptions. I am also not entirely happy with the overall appearance. The table columns all have different widths.


Search Filters

Syntax Description
topic:topic_id Returns posts in a specific topic
Returns topics with the term in the title
Returns only first posts in topics
in:pinned Returns pinned posts
in:wiki Returns wiki posts
with:images Returns posts containing images
filetypes:ext1,ext2,ext3 Returns posts with uploads of ext1, ext2, or ext3 file extensions
badge:name_or_id Returns posts linked to a specific badge grant
in:all Returns posts from public topics and personal messages
:information_source: For Trust Level 4 and staff only
Returns posts, including those from unlisted topics

Message Filters

(for logged-in users)

Syntax Description
Returns posts in personal messages
in:personal-direct Returns posts in personal messages between two users only
group_messages:group_name Returns posts from personal messages sent to the group_name group
personal_messages:username :information_source: For Admins only
Returns posts from personal messages of the specified user
in:all-pms :information_source: For Admins only
Returns posts from all personal messages, including those you’re not a part of

User and Group Specific Filters

Syntax Description
Returns posts by username
in:first @username
Returns first posts in topics created by username
group:group_name Returns posts from users within the group_name group

Category and Tag Filters

Syntax Description
Returns posts from category1
Returns posts from the categories category1 and category2
Returns posts from topics tagged with tag1
-tag:tag1 Returns posts from topics not tagged with tag1
Returns posts from topics tagged with tag1 or tag2
Returns posts from topics not tagged with tag1 or tag2
Returns posts from topics tagged with tag1 and tag2
Returns posts from topics not tagged with tag1 and tag2
in:tagged Returns posts from topics that have at least one tag
in:untagged Returns posts from topics with no tags

Personalized Filters (User-Specific)

(for logged-in users)

Syntax Description
in:seen Returns posts you’ve seen
in:unseen Returns posts you haven’t seen
in:watching Returns posts from topics you’re watching
in:tracking Returns posts from topics you’re tracking
in:bookmarks Returns posts you’ve bookmarked
Returns posts written by you
in:posted Returns all posts of topics you have posted in
Returns first posts of topics written by you

Post and View Count Filters

Syntax Description
Returns posts from topics with at least X posts
max_posts:X Returns posts from topics with at most X posts
posts_count:X Returns posts from topics that have exactly X posts
min_views:X Returns posts from topics with at least X views
max_views:X Returns posts from topics with at most X views

Date Filters

All dates are in UTC, we always use beginning of day UTC as the start time for any period.

Syntax Description
before:YYYY-MM-DD Returns posts created before the specified date
after:YYYY-MM-DD Returns posts created after the specified date
before:day_of_week Returns posts created before the specified day of the week
after:day_of_week Returns posts created on and after the specified day of the week
before:X Returns posts created more than X days ago
after:X Returns posts created within the last X days
before:month Returns posts created before the the specified month
after:month Returns posts created within and after the specified month
before:YYYY Returns posts created before the specified year
after:YYYY Returns posts created within and after the specified year

Status Filters

Syntax Description
status:open Returns posts from topics that are not closed or archived
status:closed Returns posts from closed topics
status:archived Returns posts from archived topics
status:noreplies Returns posts from topics with no replies
status:single_user Returns posts from topics with posts from only one user
status:public Returns posts from topics in public categories

Filters added by Plugins

Syntax Description
in:assigned Returns posts from topics assigned to someone
in:unassigned Returns posts from topics not assigned to anyone
assigned:username Returns posts from topics assigned to username
Returns posts from categories and tags included in docs
in:polls Returns posts containing polls
status:solved Returns posts from solved topics
status:unsolved Returns posts from unsolved topics in categories allowing solved marking
Topic voting
min_vote_count:X Returns posts from topics with at least X votes


Syntax Description
Sorts results from newest to oldest
order:oldest Sorts results from oldest to newest
order:latest_topic Sorts results by topic date, from newest to oldest
order:oldest_topic Sorts results by topic date, from oldest to newest
order:views Sorts results by number of views
order:likes Sorts results by number of likes

Order options added by Plugins

Syntax Description
Topic voting
order:votes Sort results by number of votes on the topic containing the post