Seeking Feedback On My New Site

Just for note FKB Pro - Social theme is contains custom color variables.

Here you can follow the pattern.

The only difference is, these are connects with theme settings so you can modify it with settings. This is why it use this format #{$setting_name} and not HEX color codes.

But you can add new ones in your fork which uses HEX as you wish.

Add these to after line 14:

$dark-theme-tags-bg: #3a3b3c;
$light-theme-tags-bg: #f0f2f5;

After line 20:

$tags-bg: dark-light-choose($light-theme-tags-bg, $dark-theme-tags-bg);

After line 27:

--tags-bg: #{$tags-bg};


Then you can change the current background here in your fork:

to :arrow_down_small:

background: var(--tags-bg);