I love the idea of the sentiment chart on the admin dashboard. I’m not sure I trust it to be useful right now, because it’s showing my site about 50/50 negative-positive, and I don’t think that’s possibly right. (It seems to tend towards classing technical posts as negative, and also seems to score some common expressions in support requests as more negative than I think they really are.) But assuming that can get worked out, I’d love to see some enhancements here:
- For each bar on the Overall Sentiment chart (that is, time period and positive/negative), click to see the ten (or whatever) most positive or ten most negative posts.
- For Post emotion, instead of just t0 & t1 vs t2+, allow customizable groups (or sets of groups).
- Also allow the Overall Sentiment timeseries to be filtered by group
- Add filters to both for categories and tags
- Provide an option to make this public rather than just on the admin dashboard
Thanks for considering!