Should bug reports go in the bugs tag or on github?

I see some bugs and the tag exists so it’s obviously there on purpose, but would you guys prefer things filed as github issues or here?


Either or, totally up to you.

Personally, I would like to write a plugin to manage bugs on discourse, but its going to take a while.

We are constantly checking both buckets


Having thought about this for a month now, and seen both in action, I have an answer.

Any ‘bug’ requiring any kind of discussion whatsoever belongs on meta.discourse first.

If the bug is …

  1. totally straightforward
  2. purely technical and not sociological in nature
  3. no reasonable person would dispute its status as a bug
  4. unlikely to need any discussion, other than “there it is” and “here is how to fix it”

… then it can go on GitHub Issues.

Note that this is a very narrow and strict definition, so unless your bug strongly meets all 4 above criteria, please keep it here on meta for discussion.


So, basically “if in doubt, report bugs here” would be a fair assessment?

Also, are there any extra recommendations on how to report bugs? I feel like the category description is too short, as it is:

I could use some good bug reported examples. I fear the top popular bugs are not necessarily good representations on how to report, although it does give me the feeling that anything goes. :stuck_out_tongue:

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no … not entirely correct.

We disabled all bug reporting on GitHub, there should be no doubt. So I doubt you would be in doubt.