Should old topics be deleted from this forum?

Discourse has changed a fair bit since Feb 2013 launch.

  1. I feel topics referring to features that don’t even exist in Discourse any more (or have radically transformed) are actively harmful – people will find them, look at the current version of Discourse, and just be confused.

  2. Support topics for issues that are not only resolved, but prevented in current versions of Discourse. Same problem, actively harmful, will confuse and betray whoever is unfortunate enough to land on them.

  3. Old support topics for issues that are derp forgot semicolon where the error was not anything anyone in the future could really learn from other than “don’t do that”. I think a few of these can be OK if they are relatively recent (how can we force that semicolon to appear) but for the older ones, it’s typical confusion, betrayal, uncertainty.

It’s like adding a bunch of land mines in your search engine, step in the wrong place and boom.

The older the topic, the more I weight these factors.