Show Welcome Link Banner for specific Categories


I want to hide the Welcome Banner in the Category Pages (/c/xxx or /c/yyy). Is there any way to set this as a parameter?


This theme component is the perfect blend of the standard banner and the versatile banner. We would love to incorporate this, but we need it to be at a category level. I completely agree with @Diego_Santos’s request.

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Do you want to hide it for specific categories or show it only in specific categories?

In common / CSS of a theme component:

Hide for a specific category where <category-slug-here> = the category slug:

.category-<category-slug-here> .welcome-link-banner-wrapper {
    display: none;

Show only for a specific category:

.welcome-link-banner-wrapper {
    display: none;
.category-<category-slug-here> .welcome-link-banner-wrapper {
    display: block;

Hide for multiple categories:

$categories: 'general', 'site-feedback', 'staff';

@each $category in $categories {
  .category-#{$category} .welcome-link-banner-wrapper {
    display: none;

Ideally, it is only used in certain categories, but also, ideally, we can individualize the content in the header to that category. We see it as an alternative to a sidebar for that category.

For example in Category A we would want to include a live-status of a service we offer, but in Category B (not related to Category B) we want a way to submit a ticket via a PM.


hmmm, yea this would require some additional features or even a different theme component altogether. To make this component work with individualized content, you’d have to install a different copy of the component for every different banner you want. I mean, I can think of a way to do what you are asking with multiple installs of this component and some css, but it’s a bit of a hacky solution.

The welcome banner component is meant as a welcome banner. But a category specific info-banner with similar structure built to your needs seems like a solution here. I can definitely see the use case if you are wanting to just have a navigation banner for certain categories (instead of the sidebar, which can be hidden by group/category as well). :thinking:


Just curious Lilly. Could they make a companion component that overrides the Link Banner Text with an Override to use this text if Cat B and this text if Cat C?


It would be great if the functionality of this theme component was the same as the versatile banner, where you can specify routes with regard where it should appear.