Sidebar background color

I was playing around with color schemes, and I couldn’t seem to find what color the sidebar is using. No matter what I do, the color always stays the same.

Does anyone notice the same or is this something that needs to be done with custom CSS?



This is not in the color palette by default but you can change it with a theme component.

This is the sidebar background color.

.sidebar-wrapper {
  background-color: var(--primary-very-low);

You can find it here :arrow_down_small:


I found that CSS code, but I if you select Solarized Light on Meta, there is definitely a difference between the light/dark theme in the sidebar colors. How can we make such changes and link them to a color scheme?

edit - I see, it’s derived from --primary-very-low but this in some situations creates some not-so-nice combinations. I’ll play around with it.

edit 2 - It’s funny. My Meta theme: Light with Color Scheme: Solarized Light. I take the primary color code by inspecting meta: #002B36, when I enter this in my color scheme, the accents become “default Discourse” blue and not #F0ECD7 as expected.

edit 3 - initial question has been answered, marked as solved. Thanks again CSS-god @dodesz


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