Sidebar topic list links prefer unread and new over latest

I think the separate tap target was already ruled out because they’re so small.

That makes sense on mobile, but on desktop my targeting skills are uncanny (thanks, Fortnite!).


that and

And btw, many thanks for this last PR and listening to the feedback, less noise indeed.


Even for “power users” that enabled their super power preference and when there are blue words that really look like they’re separate links ? :wink: :sob:


Sounds like the simpler fix is to change their color?

Ok, I might have tried to say it in a funny way but that’s not a reason to not take me seriously.

No, that would not be a “fix” for me.
I would really like to have the choice between the entire category (i.e. “latest”) and new/unread directly from the sidebar and I think that would be pretty doable on desktop.


In the past we carried this option, I guess all we can say is that we hear you, but you are going to wait a few months here for dust to settle and new designs and changes to land.

I am mixed on the grey here @awesomerobot due to contrast issues, it is very hard to read. I do totally get the reasoning here and will try to live with the change for a few more days. But my initial reaction is that I miss the blue.


If the grey is too hard to read could we just go for a darker shade? Blue really looks like a link and is confusing. I’ve been delighted with the change, though I agree that the low contrast of grey on grey could be improved.


Yeah it is tricky @awesomerobot: WebAIM: Contrast Checker

#8c8c8c starts passing for large text, maybe that is a good enough compromise? That is still lighter than the item and still fails, but is a bit better.



:100: here. That was the behaviour for discourse for teams until the migration yesterday. I came to really appreciate this mode of navigation over the last year and miss it already. There is already an option to display the counter of unread message, the only thing required is to reintroduce the link that was previously there.


Completely agree, the grey is very difficult to read. As it’s now been two months since this was written and it’s still grey, where in the CSS can individual admins change this?

I’ve been digging around and cannot figure out where to do so; although, there have been a lot of changes to the CSS since I last adjusted it on my instance.

That would seem logical to put in the admin, similar to how one can set colors for categories.


Revisiting this now a few months have passed :wink:

I feel like this will be in the “theme component” department. I just cant get away from the tiny click target.

Our upcoming focus is the “merged” unread/new @osama is working on (what we call the “new new”, where new posts and new topics are in the same feed). This means we get away with a single number and the target is WAY more compelling, it includes everything new in the category / tag.