Sidekiq is consuming too much memory, restarting

Has the issue resolved after you bumped up to 8gb? I’m considering doing the same as you since we’re still get these sidekiq errors on a 4gb machine.

Fortunately, after increasing to 8GB, the problem has not recurred.


Thanks! I’ll try that approach then.

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It suddenly started appearing to me a couple of days ago.

Before I never saw Sidekiq is using too much memory errors in the logs. Now I see them a few times a day.

And today it happened exactly as @pelcami has mentioned: the VM just plainly became unresponsive. SSH didn’t work. No access on HTTP or HTTPS.

The VM is on Azure, so I pulled up the charts, and it showed network activity suddenly dropping down completely to zero (like a cliff) and CPU stuck at around 40% (probably completely using up one core). Restarting the VM solved it.

What I want to say is, it happened so suddenly that it was almost like one minute it was business as usual, normal network traffic, then the next minute it fell off a cliff and dropped to zero. Not gradual at all.

Something is happening to trigger an infinite loop in Sidekiq or something…

You can follow up with @tgxworld who is working the issue.

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Be sure to do a full rebuild we recently bumped ruby version in image


ok. I’ll rebuild and observe.

Just as a reminder to people: If you get a “Docker version too low” error during rebuild, read the following:


I’ve started seeing this after an update a few days ago @sam after the Amazon lifecycle patch I did a complete rebuild and now I’m seeing this everyday. Never happened before that.

I’m on v1.9.0.beta14 +200

When is the last time you did a

git pull
./launcher rebuild app

You could be on an older version of Ruby.


I did this for the build above beta14+200

I didn’t do a git pull, thought that rebuild does that.

EDIT: Okay I’m it again now, lets see how it goes.

That’s good to know. Also, I just noticed that vagrant is still on Rails 4.

No issues so far after a git pull + rebuild instead of just a rebuild. Somehow I thought a rebuild would also do a pull

this is the dashboard from what ? pls teach me .

Go to yourforumurl/sidekiq to see what sidekiq is doing


/logs to see the error log

/admin/upgrade#/processes to see processes


Just thought I’d share that updating to v2.0.0 beta1 a couple of weeks ago this problem started again.

Sidekiq is consuming too much memory (using: 513.13M)

I checked the dashboard and it’s currently using about 6M but somehow it ramps up to 500 about once a day I see this warning in the logs. Oddly it’s always around 4:20am to 4:50am in the mornings.

Almost certainly a scheduled daily task cc @sam


Also, if your server has enough total RAM, you can increase the memory allocation for Sidekiq.

Place this in the env: section of app.yml:


The default maximum is, I believe, 500mb.


Closing the loop here, over the past 2 years we had one large change that reduced sidekiq memory. We made a change to the hosted v8 instance to ensure it cleans up used memory and runs a gc. This resulted in a 10-20% memory reduction in our hosting.

Except for that, yes, on mega busy multisites you need to adjust UNICORN_SIDEKIQ_MAX_RSS