Signup error msg is confusing: "User password password is the same as your name"

Typically when you create an account you type the password and then have to verify the password. The discourse sign up dialog is a bit busy with field names and field descriptions and could be confusing if you attempt to quickly fill it out and mistakenly enter your verification password in place of the Username. If you do that and then click submit you get an error at the top of the dialog that is confusing as it states “User password password is the same as your name”. Password is repeated here in the error, it would be clearer and easier to understand if it was not repeated. I’ve had two users (both with English as a non-primary language probably) that got this error and required admin assistance to determine the problem.


Thanks @Jay_Boyd for the report. I can indeed reproduce

@jancernik mind having a quick look? At the very minimum we should fix the error message.


Hey @Jay_Boyd, thanks for the report! This issue has been fixed in the following commit:


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