Site setting to hide custom user fields from signup page

I thought that I had seen such a feature request recently, but I can’t find it.

If you have a bunch of user custom fields, the login modal gets ugly. If there are 10 optional fields and 2 required fields, one has to scroll a bunch to find the one(s) that are required. This is a drag.

It’s possible to hide those fields with CSS like:

.create-account .user-fields .user-field {
    display: none;

        display: block;


It’s something of a bother, as you have to guess what nth-of-type to use by trial and error, but what I might suggest is a :bug: is that the CSS that worked to make that modal look the right way changes every now and again. It looks like it got changed in the recent beta6. It makes my client sad, as the required fields are not visible, so people couldn’t sign up. He found out only because someone emailed to complain.


I don’t think it would be hard to add a class or data attribute that includes the custom field’s name, which would make it much less fragile to target with CSS. I can probably get to that within the next couple of days.


Took a quick look and it’s nearly identical to another PR I opened recently to add a class to tag groups. So here’s a PR for this… we might want to add a helper to sanitize class names before merging these?


I just realized that I never followed up after this was merged. Now on the signup page all user fields have a class in the form of user-field-name. So if you had a field with the name “terms and conditions” it would have the class user-field-terms-and-conditions.

You can also take a shortcut and hide all custom user fields at signup with

.d-modal.create-account div[class*="user-field-"] {
    display: none;

Thanks! I managed to get this done a week or two ago. You might edit that list to also include the css to un-hide a field or two after hiding the rest.

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Here is a closed thread about solving this, which includes a css solution:

Right now for custom user fields, the options are:

Editable after signup?
Required at signup?
Show on public profile?
Show on user card?

I think another option would be quite useful:

Show on signup form?
Hide on signup form?

By default, without custom CSS modification, all custom fields (optional or not) will be displayed on the registration form. This somewhat limits the amount of custom fields that can be implemented as having too many will make the registration form overloaded and potentially intimidating to new users.


Sometimes it is nice to have a bunch of custom user fields to ask for information that you don’t want to bother people with on signup. For example, you might want to have the ability for someone to provide their address, zip code, or hair color, but on signup ask them only for their name and email address.

This is possible now by using a theme component to hide all custom fields and then un-hide the ones you want. It would be nice if there were a checkbox in the custom user field settings.


This would be great.

It would also be helpful to be able to differentiate sign-ups and invitees, especially if a field is mandatory for both or just for signups.

For example, we ask people to provide their “Reason for Joining” to help us decide their suitability and group. This is redundant when people arrive via an invite link, but it can’t be hidden if mandatory or it breaks the signup for them.



There are some user fields on my site which really dont need to be present at signup, such as socials.

I think we could benefit from a “Do not display at signup” option option, making it hide during signup and only be visible when editing your user profile.


You can achieve this via CSS already:

But yes, it would be very nice to have this as an explicit option! It has been requested a few times now.

I’ve combined all the feature topics on this into this Topic.


It also got a bit of traction in this topic too:


Has something changed on the signup modal that might cause this CSS to not work anymore?

I can’t hide any custom fields on the signup page by using either the code in the first post by @pfaffman - nor can I hide all of the custom fields by using the code from @awesomerobot :

I’ve been applying the CSS to Themes > Common > CSS.

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It looks like some more specific CSS was added elsewhere in Discourse, and that’s overriding display:none

.d-modal.create-account .user-field {
  display: flex;

I’ll take a quick look at :point_up: and see if we need to be this specific, but in the meantime this :point_down: update should work:

.d-modal.create-account div[class*="user-field-"] {
  display: none;

Confirmed, this worked perfectly to hide them all!

Thank you so much Kris @awesomerobot :smiley:

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