Yet I’m using the same smtp server the instance uses and I get the same error message even if I use the same credentials specified in my app.yml file… I don’t understand why it’s behaving differently : emails are sent perfectly with the default credentials.
In the logs of my SMTP server I see a connection coming from Discourse server, then I have the following message
smtp bad-input result=“500 5.5.1 Invalid command: Pipelining not supported”
smtp disconnected reason=“io-error: Connection reset by peer”
Users creates topics, responds, etc. other users receive email notifications as expected
Also, using the test send email through the administration interface : no problem it’s well sent and well received
with tcpdump we can see there is a correct sequence, connecting through STARTTLS, etc.
Discourse-doctor and rake
using discourse-doctor or rake emails:test
Email is not sent and I have an error : 503 5.5.1 Invalid command: Command not supported
group smtp
When testing the group smtp, I see a “DATA fragment” packet coming from Discourse immediatly after the tcp handshake, to which the smtp server responds with 220 xxxxxxx ESMTP OpenSMTPD followed by a 500 5.5.1 Invalid command: Pipelining not supported message
Which is strange because I know my credentials are correct.
Looking with tcpdump, it behaves like I’ve explain for the “Discourse-doctor and rake” case.
The exchanges between Discourse and the smtp server looks like the following