SMTP Settings in app.yml reset?

Hey Keith. I thought I recognized your name and see that I’ve helped you before. I hope that you don’t mind that I took the liberty of logging in to your server and having a look.

You’ve got a 2-container setup (I’m not sure why there is still an app.yml, it should be renamed or deleted), so you have separate data and web containers.

So you’d do an upgrade like

 ./launcher bootstrap web_only && ./launcher destroy web_only;./launcher start web_only

I’ve got more info here: Managing a Two-Container Installation - Documentation - Literate Computing Support (and I think there’s a topic here as well, but I don’t see it in a quick search).

Also, you’re running PG 10, which might causes problems with an upgrade. See PostgreSQL 13 update for details on how to do that. You probably need to do the PG upgrade