Some questions about using Events

Hi all,

I’m trying to use this plugin, and for the most part, it seems to be exactly what I need (and I love the way the events are displayed, that’s great!)… except for a very few little details:

  • I can’t find a way to customize the “Upcoming events” page so it starts the week on Mondays and displays the date as per the forum localization (in French in my case) and starts the week on Monday;
  • I’d like to display the list of the 5 upcoming events on the main page, above the category list or in a side menu, but I only seem to be able to do this inside a category, not on the front page;
  • I can’t find a way to insert a global calendar (that contains all the events created in all the categories) in a topic that I could pin on the front page. It always only contains the events of this one topic. It never digs in the sub-categories.

Thanks for any help provided


Just to cross-link a feature request for this - Choose first day of the week on Upcoming Events calendar