I’m working with a hosted site that is missing some images.
one of the missinge images, taken from a former revision of a post, points to https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/business7/uploads/harness/original/2X/1/16d12d54b3b4ae7aabc8a93417570bce0984e3c9.png
It appears that the image in in S3 but not in the Uploads table. Before I have been able to re-add images in a new post to have a new upload record created, which fixes all of the posts using that image when they are rebaked.
I first tried pasting in the URL hoping that Discourse would download the image and create an upload record, but it didn’t, so I uploaded it via the browser, but the new image is different and gets this URL: https://aws1.discourse-cdn.com/business7/uploads/harness/original/2X/d/d59e3eccc6d9d038b6fae8910e787e851c8714de.png (there is a chance that I reversed which image was which).
Also there is the question of how the records are missing from the Uploads table in the first place. I’m working with another formerly-hosted site, which is also missing a bunch of images from the Uploads table. This might deserve a second topic, but it might be related. For a bunch of those images, I was able to find them in S3, download them, and create a new Upload record like this:
sha1= Upload.sha1_from_short_url(short_url)
extension = short_url.split(".").last
upload = Upload.find_by(sha1: sha1)
prefix = "url for the s3 bucket"
if !upload
# try to find it in s3
one = sha1[0]
url_link = "#{prefix}/#{one}/#{two}/#{sha1}.#{extension}"
puts "URL: #{url_link}"
url = URI.parse(url_link)
full_filename = url_link.gsub(remove_url,"/shared/uploads/default/")
filename = "/tmp/#{File.basename(url_link.gsub(remove_url,"/shared/uploads/default/"))}"
dirname = File.dirname(filename)
unless File.directory?(dirname)
File.open(filename, "w") do |file|
Net::HTTP.start(url.host) do |http|
resp = http.get(url.path)
open(file, "wb") do |file|
# make upload for file
It looks like this method will fix about 25% of the affected posts on the other site.