Sorry for another Haproxy/Apache port 80 post but

Im going in circles confused for about 1-2 weeks now.

Here’s what Ive done since originally I found port 80 is already in use by apache (I have other sites on the service btw)

  1. I tried to run ./discourse-setup as you know but I cant, as you know because the port 80 is taken (there is no app.yml created since I cant install

  2. I installed Haproxy and set up the bottom portion of haproxy.cfg like so:

frontend http-in
bind *:80
default_backend main_apache_sites

        # Define hosts
        acl host_discourse hdr(host) -i

        # figure out which one to use
        use_backend discourse_docker if host_discourse

backend main_apache_sites
    server server1 cookie A check

backend discourse_docker
    server server2 cookie A check
  1. I set me apache2 sites-available vhost for from port 80 to port :*8080

  2. I edit apaches ports.cfg and change it from port 80 to port 8080

  3. I restart both haproxy and apache (I did this port change for another site no using discourse and it loaded minus the CSS being gone which probably has something to do with the site being cloudflare and/or https

6. Now when I try ./discourse-setup up instead of a list of ports using 80 its just haproxy now using port 80, but I thought those configurations did the forwarding, so Im confused…what am I missing?

sorry for being a noob :frowning:

Update from my last updated post at the bottom:

After another wasted night, GOSH it was so ridiculous, I realized it was the location of the shared folder in the app.yml location. I have sites installed FIRST and then I added another to be a discourse site. The default app.yml (or what people always post) is the location of a different site file directory structure!

Im so mad at myself for taking this long but I just not got the congratulations page.

Not to sound ungrateful to the people here at discourse but if I or anyone else happens to make time for it, there should totally be a “Tutorial for people/noobs who may have different situations” post. I mean I even gave up on apache and switched to nginx. I was right to do so I believe because from what I read it is easier and better. Man…I really hope I helped someone with this update. Now I gotta hurry and make up for lost time on my projects, but I did it :,)

If this topic helped anyone it would be nice to know.

You’ll need to find instructions here for running discourse with other web servers. Discourse-setup probably won’t help you.

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Yea that’s were I found out from the other messages here but I follwed that. I mean the inky thing I could do was “Change the container definition” via the app.yml file because as mentioned I can’t even run the .launcher discourse setup even tho I set up haproxy n stuff.

I’ve been stuck on this for at least a week and just gave in to ask help. I’m confused

You won’t be able to use discourse-setup. Instead, copy samples/standalone.yml to containers/app.yml and customize it manually – discourse-setup is just a wrapper to help new users with this process :slight_smile:


Thanks Felix!

I should also note I realise I didnt move .git and .gitignore out of the orginal discourse-setup folder to the new root folder name but I still would have had to find that tip about copying the

I got it to install. I just gotta figure out this 503 error but Im sure I can figure getting that done. It was just that I could get nowhere without your tip

Mods can lock this topic or give a few days if yall want me to update my post to help out any people troubled with the same problem in the future. I plan on getting this up and running tonight

After another wasted night, GOSH it was so ridiculous, I realized it was the location of the shared folder in the app.yml location. I have sites installed FIRST and then I added another to be a discourse site. The default app.yml (or what people always post) is the location of a different site file directory structure!

Im so mad at myself for taking this long but I just not got the congratulations page.

Not to sound ungrateful to the people here at discourse but if I or anyone else happens to make time for it, there should totally be a “Tutorial for people/noobs who may have different situations” post. I mean I even gave up on apache and switched to nginx. I was right to do so I believe because from what I read it is easier and better. Man…I really hope I helped someone with this update. Now I gotta hurry and make up for lost time on my projects, but I did it :,)

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