Sort by category and replies doesn't work in search results

  1. do a search
  2. On the results page, click the “Category” column header

It will not sort by category, like it should.

NOTE: This bug also affects the Replies column. However, the views and activities columns seem to work fine.

That’s because clicking the headers on those columns adds a a clause to the search query, “order:views” and “order:latest” respectively.

So isn’t that what the Category and Replies columns should do too, then?

I believe so, but that would probably be a question for @sam. If I recall correctly, the full page search is one of his projects.

If those options existed, it would do that. Right now those extra filters do not exist.

If not, then those columns should not be links (that do nothing). I can see no reason why sorting by those shouldn’t be added though.

No longer relevant as the full page search is in its own home, with a much more “google” like style.

category grouping and the like is going to have to fit into advanced search tokens.