Specific admin cannot access admin area of Forum

Hello All

I lost Admin access of my forum, Means i am not able to see it. My user is now changed to a normal user. Can someone help me please?

website is applecommunity.pk

Hi Abbas,

That must be an awful feeling!

I checked your about page and this is what I see:

Would you be able to reset the password for Abbasm234 (assuming this is you)? Or could you ask Hamza for help?


He said the same thing he can see me as admin but i cannot see the panel

Screenshot 2024-06-25 153018

PS i did the discourse update yesterday

Can you navigate directly to http://applecommunity.pk/admin ?


This is what i am getting

That is strange. So you are saying that Hamza is able to log in as admin, but you are not?

Could you try a different browser, just to be sure that it isn’t a cache thing?

even tried the new browser still same :frowning: this is so frustrating

I would suggest you ask Hamza to:

  1. Remove admin access for you
  2. Click the “log out user” button on your user’s admin area
  3. restore your admin access

If that doesn’t work, something else must be amiss.
I see that you are running cloudflare, please make sure that you have followed the instructions here:


I Ran the update again and its back now!

Thanks for ur help


If you have shell access you can

cd /var/discourse
./launcher enter app
rake admin:create

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