After seeing all the warnings about using Cloudflare and heavy image sites, I decided to take on that challenge for a small pet project I’ve been working on. While I’ve been mostly successful with Cloudflare, I am having trouble figuring out why I can’t get my theme images to load before the JS execution finishes (seems to be a non CDN issue)…
Is there a way to get images to load earlier (simultaneously with js/css, or just during the js execution) or is this a hard no? Could this a necessary prioritization?
Below is my results, my focus is the large gap between ~2.3s when the last js script finishes loading and ~3.4 when the images start their download…
Theme layout:
Theme: Graceful
Server: DO Droplet (no additional caching or s3)
CDN: Cloudflare (free version, with “Rocket Loader” disabled for js interference). Of note, disabling Cloudflare doesn’t seem to affect this particular issue.
Appreciate any ideas anyone has…