Staff who can access user info including emails

i want to have one group on my site which have all the permission a staff has. and addition to this it can user info including emails.

Any help would be appreciated

Why don’t you grant them moderator/admin rights if you want them to be able to do everything moderators/admins can do? You can enable moderators view emails to give access to email addresses.


Then it is someone, who is an admin. And that is really bad way, unless that someone is actual admin. Or at least a moderator.

So, no just building an extra group. Out of the box anyway. Perhaps you can code a plugin that changes how security of Discourse is builded.


Is there a reason you want to have 2 seperate staff groups with the same “staff powers”?

If they need staff permissions make them a mod as per @Moin’s recommendation. Just be careful of course who you make a full mod

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I want one profile staff - which can not access the user email (will name as Employee)
I want another profile -which can access the User email (will name as top employee)

Admin and moderator should remain as it is

pls tell me how to enable moderators view emails

It’s a site setting in the admin area of your forum. You can find it by visiting


You can look at what trust level 4 can do