Statamic integration

Hello all! Is anyone working on or thinking doing some Discourse integration with Statamic? I have moved away from WP but the WP integration is nifty and something similar for Statamic would be cool. A simpler approach like Official Ghost + Discourse Integration would be handy as well.

Looking for interest and status of any current development before jumping in on our end.


I don’t think so. A search here on Meta doesn’t bring up any Integrations , Plugin or Theme component topics.
If you would like to pay for it to get it done, you can open a new topic in Marketplace and hire people.

Agreed, search reveals nada hence my post which was/is aimed at finding potential collaborators.
But thanks for the reply anyway.

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It should be easy enough to do Embed Discourse comments on another website via Javascript.

It looks like it creates static html, so that’s all it can do.

Integrating with static site generators (in general) would be a fabulous extension of Discourse.

Ghost, btw, is a top headless CMS for use with SSGs, as well as a standalone blogging/publishing platform.

I use static jekyll at Blog - Literate Computing and use the javascript embedding I linked in my last message. No extension is needed. It’s been supported for a very long time.

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Thanks Jay
Static with flat files out of the box but switchable to database driven. Storing Content in a Database // Statamic Docs

I am getting my head around Statamic but loving it so far.

From my read, you can keep your source in a database rather than files, but Statamatic is a static site generator, hence the name.

Is there something you’d like you do other than have discourse provide comments?

In the end user sync would be great for some use cases but for most cases using discourse as commenting engine would be sufficient.

But comment system can’t be static, right :thinking:

Looks like @sam changed this to a Feature discussion with voting. Thanks Sam!

BTW: not necessarily static. :wink:

TL;DR — Statamic is a modern, clean, and highly adaptable CMS built on Laravel that can run full-stack, headless, on flat files or databases, or as a static site generator.

Hmm. Maybe I don’t understand. I don’t see how it can be static and have users that can do anything. So mention it’s not static? :person_shrugging:

Users uses OAuth2, so it might with with the available OAuth2 code. Users // Statamic Docs

Right, but you can embed the discourse comments into a static page (as in my example above).

Oh. or*. :rofl:


I’ve got a purely-static-generated (zero JS) blog with comments. The comment form submits the comments to me via email, and I then add them to the “pile o’ comments” and they get published next time I push the blog. Automatic moderation!


That is static, indeed. And actually suits in the real world where quite few things are so overrated than commenting in blogs and such (except with few easily igniting topics). But… it smells like job :scream: