Subscribers not syncing from Stripe?

My subscriber goal panel is updated and showing how many users have joined (5 out of 100) but on the actual Subscriber panel, I am not seeing any subscription users listed.

All of the other webhook data seems to be working just fine. The products carried over, and payments have been processed, but no users are being sorted into groups based on their purchases.

Help is greatly appreciated!

It looks like my webhook isn’t actually connected.

Am I wrong to inset the standard URL of my forum “”?

Can someone give me an example of the correct type of Endpoint address?

I am on the Discourse subscription plan, so I’m not sure how to make a webhook URL server-side.

I attached my homepage url “” as the webhook endpoint for my stripe system, and it gives me a 100% failure rate.

Assistance greatly appreciated and greatly needed!

These are the Discourse instructions, but should I just literally put “s/hooks” after my homepage url?


That’s right. :+1: It wants your site address with /s/hooks on the end.