Suggestions for best practices?


We have a forum set up for our support community and we were wondering if you have any suggestions or recommendations for best practices around making sure that we are not missing any posts/replies?

Thank you,



There are several ways to keep track of what is posted.

You could set your notification settings in the relevant categories to “tracking” or “watching”. You do this either by going to a category page and then clicking on the bell:

Or from your user preferences: Discourse Meta - The Official Support Forum for Discourse

By default, there are also the New and Unread buttons in the navigation menu:

I hope this helps! :slight_smile:



Our main issue that we are trying to solve here is our workflow. Essentially, when a new post is created we want to be able to set it as “Open” so that our team members are aware that it needs attention. Then, once the customer replies, we want to set it as “Pending” as a way to show admins/moderators that we are waiting for the customer to reply.

Thank you,

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The out-of-the-box method is to use some tags to describe these states like #open #pending, etc., and manually modify these tags after each reply.
If you want a more automatic process, you need to make related theme components or even plugins.