(Superseded) Multiple Use Invite Links

Hi, what is the case usage of the “maximum number of users able to register”? Why is there a maximum? Thanks.


There should always be limits, have a read of this article to understand why.


Thanks for the article, interesting. So, if I get it right, this setting of a maximum number of people who can use this invite link is aimed at preventing mass abuse of the invite system ? Like fake accounts creation I guess ?


Is there a way to turn this feature off entirely for my members? I run a private community based on acceptance into our freelance pool and this feature is a problem for NDA issues.

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Search settings for “invite” and find min trust level to allow invite


Thanks! I found that and upped it to the highest trust level so now it’s non-functional, but my member that flagged it to me is still seeing the invite button on her profile. Is there a way to remove the button entirely? I’m new to being a Discourse admin and probably just don’t know what to be looking for.


My guess is that it’ll go away when she reloads.


Awesome, thanks for the quick reply.

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While working towards shifting a community from (non) using email communication into usage of discourse, I ocasionaly send invites by mail into groups, which we use as email-lists in the transition.
Regarding this it is annoying for some people who have already signed up not to be able to follow a link to discourse, which would gain new registered users access to some groups.


9 posts were split to a new topic: How to change owner of invite links?

The UI for creating multiple use invite links has changed a bit from the screenshots in the OP, now that we’ve changed it so everywhere users can invite people uses the same invite system. I’m having some trouble deciding how to fix that in this topic… do we update the OP, add a note linking to the invite syste, FAQ at How to send, configure, and accept Discourse invitation emails, or just delete this topic? :thinking:


A post was merged into an existing topic: How to send, configure, and accept invites to a Discourse site