Sync Discourse Users in WordPress Database

I am a bit confused about using the WP Discourse Plugin and SSO. My goal is to register users with Discourse and use Discourse for logins and other account access. My only real goal for WordPress is to have the Discourse users created in the WordPress Database so I can use by newsletter plugin Mailster to send helpful how to type emails, not marketing. I will not want my Discourse users to ever access WordPress directly.

I am trying to think through how this can best work. Is it required to have users directly agree to receive website usage emails or can this be in TOS. They can always opt out of the emails from the email. Not sure if I need direct consent to receive how to accomplish best. Maybe a pop up or similar. My Discourse is and WordPress resides on

Using Mailchimp with Discourse plugin seems like it can get costly. I have a Mailcow VPS that works great and gets 10/10 on MailTester with all DKIM and Dmark setup correctly.

If the user is created in WordPress Database, is it also removed if Discourse user is deleted or anonymized?


You can add a clause to your ToS specifying that users who register consent to receive certain communications via email. Also, you can check out this.

WP Discourse plugin doesn’t natively handle bi-directional synchronization for such cases so deleting one would not delete the other.

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