Installed via Docker, but imported a vBulletin database from inside the development environment (using git clone … -> vagrant up -> vagrant ssh -> ruby script/import_scripts/vbulletin.rb etc.). Inside vagrant I then took a database dump using:
pg_dump -xOf ./discourse-backup.sql -n public discourse_development
Then copied this dump to my production discourse install and did inside psql:
drop schema public cascade;
create schema public;
Then on the command line
sudo -u postgres psql -f /shared/discourse-backup.sql discourse
Noticed that the gravatar paths are all wrong as well. Since the vBulletin import took ~8 hours (200 000 posts), I’m reluctant to start over. Can the email-path be edited inside the database (couldn’t find anything doing a simply ‘grep’ on the dump)?
Actually also noticed that the load times (in ms) show up on the left side of the screen. Does that mean my discourse is running in development mode and not in production?
How can I change this?
codinghorror: where do I find the “WARNING: DEVELOPER ONLY” settings?
It’s only displayed for administrators, even in production.
If you search for DEVELOPER ONLY in the site settings and you have results, then you’re definitely running in development mode (we hide them when running in production mode).