Test environment domain

Hi all,

It’s time for me to set up my subscription. This instance I’ll be setting up is going to be for our test environment. I know I need to point it to a domain we own, but I don’t want it to be searchable or crawled.

Would you recommend we buy a random domain for our test instance? We bought many domains but we don’t want them to come up in search.


It just depends on how paranoid you want to be. If you require logins and disable searches, not much will escape. test.example.com is reasonably safe. If someone were to stumble on it, they’d see that there was Discourse running there, but not much else.

If you are going to be hosted at discourse.org, it’s rather moot. You can just choose a random word that’ll show up on their test domain (something like random.trydiscourse.org).


thanks for your response!