The machine-translated button should be shown above the table of content

Without table of content:

With table of content:


This button positioning is temporary as we continue to experiment and work on this feature


It also seems to be smaller than the timeline on mobile:

My question is, though, what is it’s function exactly? I tried going to a topic with posts in another language, but it didn’t translate them. Or am I misunderstanding its use?

It is under development still, so nothing at the moment. Eventually it will show when a topic was translated as a way to switch to the original language.


Does it use AI to translate?

The discourse-translator plugin has several translators available - AI, Google, Azure, Amazon, etc.

On Meta, we will be using our AI helper which is set to our hosted LLM, but you may use other providers like OpenAI or Anthropic, etc, set up via the AI plugin.