Add AI translation option to 'select' pop up menu

Greetings, I express my gratitude for the plugin :raised_hands:
I have invariably relied on Google’s browser translator within this forum, a practice that significantly hampered my productivity due to Google’s occasional failure to comprehend the context of certain texts. In recent days, I have shifted my tendency towards the forum’s integrated artificial-intelligence translator, embodied in the message composer- a remarkable tool that has notably facilitated the drafting of my posts.
Amongst this forum’s population, it is likely that I am not the only one reliant on translator services. Thus, I would like to propose an enhancement: perhaps consider incorporating translation options for highlighted text outside the message composer. Specifically, as I traverse through the forum’s posts, I find myself translating each message via Google’s browser translator. Therefore, a commendable solution would be to introduce a “translation” button (with a dropdown list of supported languages), in addition to the existing “quote” and “share” buttons, post the highlighting of any part of the text.


This is possible :tada:


Example with interface language set to German:

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