The Share/Edit popup cancels text selection on mobile

Reproduction steps:

  1. Select text on mobile.

  2. The share/edit popup appears.

  3. Slide your finger to select additional text.

  4. If your finger passes over the popup, the selection cancels.


Can you share what OS / Browser you are using?

We’re fighting the browser so this popup is always a bit finicky.

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The issue happens on Chrome, Galaxy S23.

It doesn’t happen on Firefox and Samsung Browser.

I add that the selection behavior is best on the Samsung Browser. While moving our finger over the popup to expand the selection, the selection expansion remains very smooth, whereas it feels a bit laggy (stopping for a split second when moving the finger over the popup) on Firefox.


Samsung Browser:

One idea we are toying with here is something like this:

Moving our options to the bottom has advantages, just got to get the styling right.