There is a lot of code in the CSS Area. Can I make theme components?

Hey everyone.
Does CSS burden the site?
That’s why I wanted to ask this question.
You can see the site address in my profile. Thank you.

If by burden you mean performance, it’s possible, yes. However, you would need to load extremely large or complex CSS. In the context of theme components, plugins, or site customizations, it’s usually small pieces of CSS; it won’t have a noticeable impact no matter what you do.

In the worst case, you might slow the rendering process with inefficient selectors, the wrong use of animation, or font loading, but unless you have a huge page and do something very wrong, you will be fine. You can follow the best practices (there are many resources on the Internet).

Also, I think you will have a JS performance issue rather than CSS in most cases.


One important note is that it will NOT burden your server.


@Arkshine @merefield
Thank you for taking the time to respond. :pray: