Thoughts about impersonate user

I’m agree with you said, but I suspect that ‘little’ drama could be good because people are understanding what manage and/or protect personal or third party data means to be (there are social responsibilities involved).

Thanks to listen, I can confirm we chose Discourse very well for our project. And of course, I fully appreciate your PR :ok_hand:


I think we’ll need to restrict access to that allow_allow_impersonation setting, it’s too powerful! Perhaps another setting? :rofl:


The one Plugin Ring to rule them all!

Too bad Procourse Installer didn’t get supported better.

No no, it should be in the console or in the source code at least, it’s so tempting to allow this setting and use it. wait but I can access the console too. :joy:

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Just to note, that not all admins will have access to the console.

I suppose the idea is very similar to not allowing admins in general the ability to impersonate system or Discobot.


Just yesterday I needed to impersonate a user to find a bug that affected just that user (that had an invalid time zone in the profile).

If you don’t trust your admins, impersonating users is the least of your worries.


As mentioned though having the option to restrict which admins have access is not a bad thing. But @sam has pushed a simple peace of mind fix for those wanting it. Which does not affect those whom like it the way it is.

Biggest problem in this discussion has been tunnel vision instead of seeing the pros and cons moving towards coming up with a Compromise that works for all. Sam’s PR fits imho the Op’s request implementing a layer if prefered.


Please can staff close this topic?

It’s getting with non-sense after a very simple and clear core solution without bad sides more than non-sense over there.

Super-admin > admin > mods > lvl 4 is a very good deal for communities, not for single devs.

And single devs are not we was talking about :slight_smile: