Timeline Discourse

Hi, everyone.
My need is to set the " timeline " of " Discourse " similar to the " timeline " of Facebook.
We are migrating a Facebook community for the " discourse " .
They are accustomed to photos and videos in the " timeline " , and we understand that the appearance of " Disocurse " should be as close as possible to the Facebook .
Has anyone done this setting ? Can you indicate to us which communities that already use Discourse this way? Thank you all. We have visited some community sites with similar characteristics , but we need help to make the required settings .
We’re loving the " Discourse "

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Using the topic list previews plugin combined with some major CSS changes, you could achieve something close to a Timeline-like design.

Users would still have to enter the topic to interact with it though.


out of curiosity, does this mean that “it’s impossible or very hard to apply changes that results in interacting with a topic in the topic-list-page”?

My team is already using the plugin " dicourse -topic - previews ," and is working on the CSS . Have achieved some progress , getting put images in the " timeline " . But when we enabled " mobile-friendly " in the settings of " discourse " , the images are not shown in the " timeline " . We are struggling to solve.

I wonder if you or someone can help indicate to me some programmer who has performed all the procedures to set up the " timeline " equal to the : TIDBITS.IO

Desktop view:

Mobile view:

Important: the ideal setting for us is the image of this post . With the big picture. We understand that the interaction of members can only occur within the post. This is not a problem for us .

With enough monkey patching, nothing is impossible :stuck_out_tongue: But Discourse is currently not designed for this type of interaction, so no such feature would be particularly pretty on the inside. More on that here:

As for this

Just put up a topic for it in the marketplace. If @angus the author of Topic Previews is available for freelance work he certainly seems like a natural first pick :wink:

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