This new API coming in Discourse 2.3 will let you add buttons at the bottom of a topic as inlines buttons or in the {{topic-footer-mobile-dropdown}}
without having to duplicate logic.
// id of the button, required
id: null,
// icon displayed on the button
icon: null,
// local key path for title attribute
title: null,
// already translated title
translatedTitle: null,
// local key path for label
label: null,
// already translated label
translatedLabel: null,
// is this button displayed in the mobile dropdown or as an inline button ?
dropdown: false,
// css class appended to the button
classNames: [],
// computed properties which should force a button state refresh
// eg: ["topic.bookmarked", "topic.category_id"]
dependentKeys: [],
// should we display this button ?
displayed: true,
// is this button disabled ?
disabled: false,
// display order, higher comes first
priority: 0
All keys but id, can be either a value or a function:
icon: "user"
icon() {
// this here is the context of the topic-footer-buttons component
// allowing you to access
// the topic model or for example
return this.get("topic.some_icon_variable");
Focus on dependentKeys
Think of dependentKeys
as all the computed properties you need to build your button. The buttons will be re-rendered when one of these keys is changed. Basically anytime you do this.get("something")
when defining your button, something
should be in the dependentKeys
Focus on dropdown
The dropdown key will let you define if you want your button to be added inline or in the {{topic-footer-mobile-dropdown}}
As an example, an implementation creating a button inline on desktop and in the dropdown on mobile, would act like this:
dropdown() { return; }
Note: at the moment the dropdown will only be shown on mobile anyways. So this is most probably useful if you never want to show it in the dropdown or if you want to force desktop in few cases when presenting mobile view.