Topic information at the bottom of threads

Is it possible to disable the Topic Information a the bottom of the threads? It is definitely not useful in our particular forum. I’ve done a survey of our Mods & frequent users and no one cares for it.

Having it at the top of each thread is fine, no one really uses it.

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Hello :wave:

It’s possible with CSS.

Common / CSS

.topic-map.--bottom {
  display: none !important;

The code above will hide topic map on both (Topics and PMs) if you want to keep it on PMs then you can target separately only the Topics.

body:not(.archetype-private_message) {
  .topic-map.--bottom {
    display: none;

Thank you, I’ll get that to an admin.

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As I see, there is a PR that will make it available with a site setting after it’s merged. :slightly_smiling_face:


This PR is merged now.
You can use the site setting show_bottom_topic_map to toggle its visibility.


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