Topic list tabs for user-customizeable saved filters

We’re sponsoring a developer to work on this as a plugin. Approach #2 seems like the way to go for an MVP. I’ll post a final spec below based on @mcwumbly and @LeoMcA’s mockups.

Some modifications:

  • The primary place of interaction should be the /categories page, where a star can be clicked to favorite a category. (mockup below).
  • I don’t think it should be added to the Notifications page. Favorites will have no effect whatsoever on notifications. I’m opting for the Interface page instead.

SPEC: Favorite Categories

1. Expose a star button on the /categories page

Stars in /categories are /hidden with toggle same as we do with topics: 29


(Could also see how it looks with stars left-aligned on parent categories as well)


2. Add a Favorites list to User Preferences : Interface page.

3. Show “Favorites” in category drop-down

If any categories are added to Favorites, a Favorites tab is visible on the topic list page.
If the list is blank, “My Favorites” won’t show.

Assuming the user is doing something like watching feature, tracking #howto:admins and favouriting plugin and ux, user would see the following (shown here as “my categories”):





(Clickable Stars missing in mockup. Also, this screen might not doable.)

Stretch goals:

  • Favourited categories should be listed at the top of /categories and in the categories drop-down.
  • User can set “My Categories” as their default index
  • Admins can define a “My Categories” preset, so registered users are already set up with some default Favorites.