Trading Buttons

Can you make a pull request? You should add client and server files under config/locales.


Thank you @j_assuncao for the Portugese translation and GitHub user przemyslawwilde for the Polish translation (donā€™t know your Meta username :smiley:)


Hi, I canā€™t get seem to get this plugin to work. Iā€™ve followed the instructions, installed it and enabled it, and turned the Sold etc. buttons on for a new ā€œClassifiedsā€ category. However, I canā€™t see the buttons anywhere when I create a new topic. New topics display with no buttons.

Weā€™re using Discourse 2.2.0.beta9+29. discourse-topic-trade-buttons 3157f19.

Have you tried to restart the app after enabling the plugin and after enabling category buttons?

You mean restart Discourse? No, but Iā€™ll give that a try and report back. Thanks!

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Yup, that did it. Thanks again!


How can we add more buttons? Our classified category have a deal section . We want a expired button when a deal is no longer available.

Thereā€™s no way to add buttons dynamically. As you can read from plugin descriptions, trading buttons will archive the topic and people can no longer edit or comment. Also prefix (e.g ā€œ[SOLD]ā€ or ā€œ[CANCELLED]ā€) is also a good indicator that topic is no longer valid.

Iā€™m curiousā€¦ who will push that button? What is the nature of ā€œdeal sectionā€? What are ā€œdealsā€ exactly?

Example : A store can be selling a product at a reduced price for a limited time so any user can copy the link to the product on our Deals category on our discourse forum . When the deal expire a simple Expired button would archive the topic and add Expired in front of the title .

Iā€™m confused, what does that have to do with a plugin thatā€™s aimed at members trading between themselves?

Youā€™re talking about promoting links and maybe discount codes. Discourse already supports sharing links (title field) and tags could be used to indicate when a post is not longer relevant.


A plugin can have a specific job but that doesnā€™t mean thatā€™s the only job it can do. Anyway I modified the code,this is what I wanted :

Thank you @Janno_Liivak for the plugin .


It seems that you just wanted to use a general term ā€¦ expired is just sold and cancelled put together. In my forum it was kind of important to know if person sold or just cancelled (gives a little bit more information to potential buyersā€¦ and more information to moderators, as all trading topics were moved under the archieve category where only market-moderators could still see them). But if modified project fits you needsā€¦ you ā€˜re welcome :slight_smile:

Do we input price? And do we have search price menu? Thank?

Hi! Inserting prices and searching/filtering by price is not this pluginā€™s functionality, sorry.

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Hi @Janno_Liivak,

After upgrading to Discourse 2.4.0.beta8, the Trading Buttons plugin has disappeared. Itā€™s still in app.yml, but thereā€™s no trace of it in either the ā€œregularā€ Discourse UI nor the admin UI of our site. In fact, the entire Category that was designated for use with the plugin is also gone from the UI.

Any ideas why, and what can be done to bring both the category and the plugin back?


Hi! Have you tried to disable-enable the plugin (with restar in-between)? Are you using any other plugins. Have those dissapeared too?

Do you mean restart the Discourse container, or rebuild Discourse?

We do have some other plugins, and they all seem to be working fine.


I meant to just restart Discourse, not rebuild. If it doesnā€™t help then I look into it ā€¦ it is a beta build though :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway ā€¦ havenā€™t tried this version of Discourse myself ā€¦ iā€™ll give it a look.

Iā€™ll try restarting and let you know what happens. Thanks!

I donā€™t have docker container with v2.4.0.beta8 in it ā€¦ but I did switch my developer version to said beta and everything worked fine. Sales category was still present and topics with trading buttons as-well. Are you sure that you didnā€™t accidentally just hide the category somehowā€¦ maybe ju just removed it from main page or from inside another category. Or maybe itā€™s text color is the same as background color? :slight_smile: Sorry ā€¦ bad jokes.

I honestly donā€™t know how the plugin or category might have been dissapeared. Maybe somebody from the Discourse development has ideas? Can problem with plugin hide the whole category?

@Gunnar, do you have anything in your Discourse logs that complains about discourse-topic-trade-buttons or something like that?