Trouble using embedding in dark mode

We are currently forced to use on Ghost because the embed Discourse comments can’t be used on dark themes without destroying the entire UI on the comments section.

This simple update should be enough for us for the time being but it just didn’t get updated :frowning:

I think this should be priorized because the specific mentions by the OP. Social Media are becoming garbage and real information NEEDS to be self-hosted and open-source.

I hope the community can join forces on this, I am very happy to know that the core is willing to sponsor it.

I think that’s been doable for a while, you need to add proper styling for it in Discourse where we have a separate section for embed styling.

Maybe all we need is a how-to here? How that sounds @jordan-vidrine ?


this. we use this on my forum for our parent site commenting and it’s relatively easy to do. maybe i’ll take a stab at a how-to for this when i have some extra time.


Tried this but it seems to be broken: