Trusted users cannot invite when must approve users admin setting enabled

I am testing this on 2.7.0.beta9 but I see no option for “invites” on the users profile page, although the tested users have trust level 2. Aside from that, the normal invites by moderation/admin works.

Did I miss some basic config needed to allow “user to user” invites?

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Hi Thommie! Can you verify the min trust level to allow invite admin setting has not been changed from the default which is trust level 2?


Hi Tobias,
here are some screenshots:

  • global discourse settings min trust level to allow invite :arrow_right: standard
  • view of the user profile of test user “lisa” :arrow_right: trust level 2
  • view of her permissions seen from the admin login

As far as I understand it, there should be a button “invites/einladungen” in the user profile …

I’ve not seen this issue before. I suspect it has to do with some other admin setting you have changed, like invite only or allow new registrations.

This is not likely the cause, but did you rename your trust level groups?

Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 6.54.39 AM

Here’s how it looks on my site, with my interface language switched to German:

Screen Shot 2021-05-18 at 6.54.58 AM

the trust levels have their standard names including the german UI localisation
(“vertrauensstufe”) invite only is active and allow new registrations too.

So it should be possible to invite people and let them self register their new accounts and the invitations from moderators/admins work fine. The only missing function is the invitation from normal users to other users outside of the community.

Is there some way how to export the overall settings from /admin/site_settings/ ?
Maybe through some SQL query with the data explorer plugin?

You could try the “Only show overridden” option the admin settings (top right corner) to see which ones you have overridden.

I am not entirely sure where your issue is coming from - so far the only thing I can think of is the German locale and different names for trust levels, but I don’t think that should cause this. :thinking:

… haha, interesting side effect: I had

must approve users Staff must approve all new user accounts before they are allowed to access the site.

If I reset this parameter to the standard (without staff approval), it works:

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Well then, there it is! :sparkles:

@dan what are your thoughts? Does it make sense for the must approve users admin setting to affect the ability of trusted users to invite people?

A post was merged into an existing topic: Improve invite system

I do not think it makes sense for invites to be disabled if must approve users is enabled. I am surprised this did not come up before this because it has been this way since the first versions of Discourse.

I started working on a PR to fix this.