I have tried to delete several different accounts from this group and they don’t delete. Any ideas?
Edit: This is a group that I recently renamed.
Edit2: I should have looked at the logs as well. This is the error that seems to correspond to dropping the user from the group:
PG::UniqueViolation: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "index_group_users_on_group_id_and_user_id"
DETAIL: Key (group_id, user_id)=(42, 5681) already exists.
: INSERT INTO "group_users" ("created_at", "group_id", "updated_at", "user_id") VALUES ('2015-03-03 18:29:47.593535', 42, '2015-03-03 18:29:47.593535', 5681) RETURNING "id"