Unable to setup discourse

Hello, I am installing discourse on my Ubuntu machine and i am following this article https://meta.discourse.org/t/install-discourse-on-ubuntu-for-development/14727 but i am gettine issue on below command:

bundle exec rake db:create

i am sharing screenshot issue with Redis as i have already install redis latest version 7 up version still asking me to upgrade.

Thank you for advanced!


Is the Redis server running in the background? What’s the output of rails runner "puts Discourse.redis.info['redis_version']" ?

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Hi @Falco ,

Thank you for coming back to me…very appreciated

I did sorted out the problem as you said we need to start the redis service so i did start and it was working good then i did add next all command as per documentation but on db:migrate command i got the issue as invalid access. Please see the screenshot. and i have attached another screenshot also please check and let me know if any privilege issue.

Please help me with this.


Have you set your database access with Install Discourse on Ubuntu for Development ?

Hi @Falco

Yes i did, I use the command sudo -u postgres createuser -s "krishna.savani" and you can check my second screenshot also. I did try my many ways but still saying invalid access.

But that not exactly the command the guide tells you to run, is it?

You need to create a PostgreSQL superuser with the same name as the Linux user that will run the migrations. You even went out of your way to blur the username of the linux user in the screenshots you shared, so I can only assume that you are running under a different user.

@Falco I am sorry about blur user name on screenshot,
here is the screenshot you can check my username

you can see its the same name for both Linux user and PostgresSQL user.


sudo su
su postgres
psql -d discourse_development

If that works, you can exit the psql repl and proceed with the migration.

@Falco I did try all the command…then i did add command of migration, but still showing as

rake aborted!
Discourse::InvalidAccess: Discourse::InvalidAccess

here are both screenshot,