Understanding post flags in Discourse

I mean the private message when somebody else flags someone’s post

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that message doesn’t say who flagged the post by design. why would you want flagged posters to know who flagged them? there are more than one email message associated with flags btw.


are you a user who was flagged and wants to know who flagged you? if so, that isn’t going to happen unless the flagger or the mods tell you themselves.

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yes, it always happen in the devforums, and I want to know who did it so I can ask them


That won’t be happening. You are lucky if the mod answers questions.


fyi this isn’t a roblox support forum. this is site dedicated to Discourse forum software.


How does editing a flagged post intersect with the site setting for minimum trust level to edit? For example, if the admin site setting requires tl2 or the post is flagged after the editing window has closed, does a tl1 still get to edit their flagged post? And if not, what’s the text that needs to be customized to correctly reflect that the user can’t edit their flagged post? I checked for flagging.user_must_edit and flagging.you_must_edit and those direct the user to a message I can’t find the key for.

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I found the message to edit in system_messages.post_hidden.text_body_template, but it would still be helpful to know if having a post flagged will override the admin edit site settings.

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Please fix the text “the community feels” in that “friendly private message”. Two or three users feeling that way does not mean the community feels that way. It means two or three users feel that way. I suggest “some in the community feel”.

Hi Stefan, welcome to Meta! :wave:

Do you mean the flag messages? That’s a valid point :thinking:.

If you want to adjust some texts, you can always follow this guide :+1: :


I mean the “friendly private message” shown as screenshot in the first post of this topic.

I got a similar message with the same wrong phrase in another forum. I’m just an ordinary user, so I can’t adjust the text, but I complained about it there as well.

fwiw, users on the forum where I admin gave similar feedback, so you’re not alone!

Since I have the ability, I went ahead and adjusted the text on our forum, but to be honest the menu for replacing text is pretty overwhelming and I wasn’t entirely sure I was replacing everywhere it is used. That’s a different topic though!


Can the auto hidden feature be disabled?

Changing the hide post sensitivity site setting to disabled would stop posts getting hidden.


It seems like the message is automatically sent to the flag author when the flag is rejected or ignored.

Thanks for letting us know. We’re looking into it.

What I’m missing is the ability to quickly start a PM regarding the flag with the flag author about clarifying things before actually taking any action.