Unlist "About the *****" topics automatically when it gets created

I create topics and categories through API. When I create a category, “about the ***” topic is created automatically but I want to “unlist” it so user should not be able to see it. any suggestions on how I can do this ??

Use the API. You’d get the topic ID from when you create the topic and then unlist it. See How to reverse engineer the Discourse API to see how to unlist it.


I don’t have the topic ID as it is automatically created by discourse when I create a category.

I believe they the topic id of the about topic is in the category record that gets returned when you create the category.

This is a sample response and I did not find any “topic_id”, can you help me here @pfaffman

    "category": {
        "id": 68,
        "name": "FREE TEST API 1 AUTO",
        "color": "0088CC",
        "text_color": "FFFFFF",
        "slug": "free-test-api-1-auto",
        "topic_count": 0,
        "post_count": 0,
        "position": 67,
        "description": null,
        "description_text": null,
        "description_excerpt": null,
        "topic_url": "/t/about-the-free-test-api-1-auto-category/82133",
        "read_restricted": false,
        "permission": null,
        "notification_level": 1,
        "can_edit": true,
        "topic_template": null,
        "has_children": null,
        "sort_order": null,
        "sort_ascending": null,
        "show_subcategory_list": false,
        "num_featured_topics": 3,
        "default_view": null,
        "subcategory_list_style": "rows_with_featured_topics",
        "default_top_period": "all",
        "default_list_filter": "all",
        "minimum_required_tags": 0,
        "navigate_to_first_post_after_read": false,
        "custom_fields": {},
        "min_tags_from_required_group": 1,
        "required_tag_group_name": null,
        "read_only_banner": null,
        "available_groups": [
        "auto_close_hours": null,
        "auto_close_based_on_last_post": false,
        "group_permissions": [
                "permission_type": 1,
                "group_name": "everyone"
        "email_in": null,
        "email_in_allow_strangers": false,
        "mailinglist_mirror": false,
        "all_topics_wiki": false,
        "can_delete": true,
        "cannot_delete_reason": null,
        "allow_badges": true,
        "topic_featured_link_allowed": true,
        "search_priority": 0,
        "uploaded_logo": null,
        "uploaded_background": null

I think this is what you’re looking for:

Thanks, it worked @pfaffman

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