Until a link is provided publicly it does not work

When links are created in whispered replies (to assist colleagues in resolving issues) they cannot be followed by simply clicking on them, instead getting trapped in /clicks/track.

Replication steps

  1. Create a never-seen-before, but valid, url.
    • (perhaps a google doc shared with everyone with the url).
  2. Create a new topic on Discourse, perhaps in a sandbox room.
  3. Whisper a reply to this with just your url as text.
  4. Confirm that single clicking the whispered link does not work.
  5. Confirm that opening the link in a new tab does work.
  6. Confirm that single clicking the whispered link still does not work.
  7. Publicly reply with the same text, just your url.
  8. Confirm that clicking the link in the whispered reply now does work.

Can you repro this @jomaxro?

Yes, I can repro this on Try. Also,

is not necessary. Including other text does not prevent repro.

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I believe this was fixed quite a while ago, can you confirm @jomaxro?

Can confirm this is fixed.

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